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Fitness Blog Covering Topics Of Interest
Monday, November 07 2011

“I tend to forget drinking water even when it’s hot, and you expect me to remember to do that when it’s cold?”

Odds are that something similar came across your mind when you read the headline. No wonder – we are very good at forgeting that we need to drink water. Even if we are dying of thirst, there is a good chance we won’t even notice it.

Everyone tells us that when it’s hot, we should drink plenty of water. And while they’re right, that same rule applies to the times when it’s cold. In winter, our water balance is easy to disrupt, if we don’t know what to do.

Although you may have heard that a million times, make it a habit to drink water. It’s for your own good. Even drinking tap water is a great deal better than not drinking any water. Be sure that your health is getting a lot of value for your money.

But why do we have to drink water in the winter? What you are maybe forgetting is that our body needs water for many purposes. Cooling down itself is only one of them. You need water to remove toxic waste from your body and  to transport minerals in and out of the cells… just to name a few. You need to drink 1 galon of water every day no matter if it’s winter or summer. Your body will need this water to keep itself running.

What happens if you don’t drink any water? The body takes that as a sign, that you are living in an enviroment in which there is little water. So it cuts down on its use. This makes you perform worse than normal, but at least you are alive.

If you start drinking plenty of water, you will teach your body that there really is enough for it to keep going. After a few days, you will start getting thirsty more and more often. Your body will be working at full speed.

So basically, we get enough water to survive from the food we eat. But if we are to feel energetic and good about ourselves, we need to drink water no matter if it’s summer of winter.

Posted by: Sofem AT 03:42 am   |  Permalink   |  Email